Wednesday, 30 March 2011

a MUST on my traveling list

This is one of a kind place.
It all began with some ramdon friends gathering at school, we decided to go visit one hardest place to get into. We had to walk something like fourteen hours. The place's name is Abtao, wich its located on the east shore of Chiloé Island. The fun thing about it, is that there isn't any car roads, and the only way you can get there is following a sometimes narrow path by foot. It's amazing how could we experience different kinds of landscapes, going up to hard hills, walking through woodlands  or just filling our waterbotles at the rivers we were passing.
The tough part was when we had this feeling of not knowing where we at or where we had to walk to; the signs at the path were really poor but we did make it, we were at the other side of the island: the feeling was great, but to be honest, i had never felt so tired in my life. At the time we get there, i was feeling like a sleepwalker, almost.
Finally, we stayed there for four days, just enjoying one of the most beautiful places i've seen ever. Now all a think about its just go back someday.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

random thoughts

well well well im angel, a fourth year architecture student, but im attending actully to the 3th one. i konw, i konw, im sort of late some may say, but i feel alright about it, because most of people is at the same condition.
Hopefully ill get graduated as soon as i can, and go there and build some nice southern kinda house, near nature, lakes, rivers, trees and all that kind of things.PEACE