Saturday 4 June 2011

monsanto issue

Most of the time, in normal places, politicians should be the ones who take care of everyone else in our country. Sometimes also, they should care about every single aspect of our daily life, from where do we live, how we live, and what we eat, even more now with the monsalto's company coming to our country.
There are a lot of things i found awfull about monsalto's company:
they are trying to make a monopoly of the seed market
with the adn seed changes, they are affecting not only on new generation of babies, but they are also changing the natural bees nature process and who knows what other kind of animals.
no one knows how could this affect to the earth process in short and long terms.
its really hard to tell how could be our country in the future with this new kind of food process, how could it affect to human daily life and the new generations?
I don't think people who make the choises for us are knowing the real effects of this in our lands, unless they are making really big money inside their pockets....and to be honest i dont find funny to eat what a company tells me to do so, i think is better for us to choose what we wanna do with our eating habbits and how we want to our country to be like.
I know now that the decition was already made, and i really hope to not see cases here like in vietman a few decades ago, while the war between usa y vietman was on.
I  think is easy for human to get closer to natural places, at least for me. Most of the time means to get off from the city noises and everything that comes from it. One kind of the energy i need comes from places shown in the photo. I took it last summer near at  my grandmother's countryside and i think is one of the nicest place you can be in, there is great people, great air, great everything. And the fact i love the most about it is that you can see the sky's reflection on the surface of the see. It remines me how perfect things fit on nature and also, how beatuful can be.
What i like about photography is that you can freeze a moment and then see it and then campare it to the current one; in that way you can see the changes of something or someone, witch it could be for the better or the worse. But in both cases you will tell a difference, and that is something really interesting to discuss with somebody.
However, it's really difficult to take that perfect photo moment, because every single time that goes, means that the same place will never be the same.

Anyway, i just like this picture!