Wednesday 27 April 2011

jack johnson music

i have been listen to jack johson's music a few years ago and to be honest i do not remember the place or time i got to knew him.
his music its quite inspiring and relaxing and it's just great when i get stressed because of something.  some may call it as  a "chill out" kinda music, because of themes are always related to the beach, surfing, and it's all  about having a nice time  with your friends doing stupid stuff. 
when i listen to this music all i want is to be on some large natural place, and just think about nothing, maybe with some friends and having a great time as far as i can from the city activities and routine.
i know, i know..... it may sounds unrealistic, we all have to do our homework, read some boring school paper work but its great to think just in that moment.
this song in particular its his latest hit from the album "to the sea" released on demeber of 2010 wich ever since has become my top one song. 

Now i present to you all YOU AND YOUR HEART by JACK JOHNSON
You   MUST to see the linked video.

And this is my favorite part of the song

"You just draw so many lines in the sand
Lost the fingernails on your hands
How you're gonna scratch any backs?
Better hope that time will take our lines away"



  1. It is great when music take ur feets off the ground and take u to other places. Is crap when u realize u are still making that model that needs to be presented in 2 hours!!!

  2. My post is about the same song!!!
    I loved Jack Johnson.

  3. we never like the same songs, Angel! I dont like it and I dont like you!!! hahahaha im kiding you! but i really dont like the song!
